Wednesday, April 13, 2005

King John

King John

Oxford out of favor
Constance is Mary Stuart
Chattilon/Pandulph are Mendoza
Angiers is the capital of Anjou, Alencon eventually became duke of Anjou
The Blanche/Dauphin match is the Elizabeth/Alencon match
First citizen gives an Euphues speech
Faulconbridge is Oxford, the charges of illegitimacy brought by his older sister became current again, and QE1 is said to have called him a bastard.
Full 30,000 marks of English coin refers to monies given to Alencon
Reference to the earthquake of 1580
The 3rd Earl of Oxford was a signatory of the Magna Carta and eventually excommunicated because of it, but the most important event in King John’s reign is not mentioned at all once the concept of "Time Immemorial" became law. King John's reign is well documented. "time immemorial" basically means before King John.


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